Sunday, August 15, 2004

A donkey story.

This story was told by Azim Premji, the chairman of Wipro. I found this really interesting.

Once there was a farmer and his donkey. The donkey was with the farmer for a long time and was ever faithful to his master. One day they were walking together along a small pond on the farmer's land. Suddenly the donkey slipped and fell into the pond.

Now the donkey had been very faithful to his master and had served his master without any complaints for a long time. So the donkey was sure that his master would save him and started to call out for help. But the farmer seeing the poor donkey drowning in the pond thought " Well... my donkey is very old. I dont think he can do much work now. I have been planning to get a new donkey soon. Might as well cover up this useless pond so that further accidents dont happen."

So he called all his friends to cover up the pond. Soon several baskets of mud came raining down on the drowing donkey and began filling the pond. The animal did not understand as to what was happening. Why is his master not trying to save him. The realisation came slow and painful. There was nobody who was going to save the donkey. If the donkey wanted to get out of the pond. he will have to do it himself.

As soon as this became clear, the animal began to shake the mud off his body. Each time mud poured onto his body, he would shake it off and try to remain above the water. Soon the pond started filling up and the donkey waited patiently. Eventually the pond was filled with enough mud that the donkey could simply walk out of it.

I guess each one of us is a donkey. And we expect a lot from the farmer who becomes the world we live in. And each time we fall into the pond of sorrows or difficulties, we expect the world to save us.

The choice is about walking out of the pond on your own or getting buried in it.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Conversation with my mother

I was very disturbed for a few days. I tried to hide it from a lot of people, but could'nt escape the watchful eyes of my mother. I guess there is something special about mothers.

She asked me what was wrong. And I opened my heart to her... afterall she had been my best friend for years......

I told her that I was feeling really bad because I felt that a person had wronged me.

"Okay" She said. "What are you going to do about it "

" Well.." I replied. " I was comtemplating on my state of mind and I came to this conclusion. You must have courage to beg forgiveness... you must have even greater courage to forgive...

I guess all of us like sympathy and self pity. So its very difficult for us to forgive and let things go... Wipe the slate clean... and never think about it again.

So Mom, I am trying to forgive... but somehow I cannot.. things keep coming back to me."

She listened to all this and asked me:

"What happens when things come back to you"

" I feel bad... I feel terrible"

"Hmm.. Dont you think thats because of self pity ? "

"Well.............Yes" ( Ouch.. did not think about it in that way )

" Is that going to help"

"No" ( Well... what is she getting at )

" You say somebody hurt you badly. But tell me can that person hurt you if you dont allow yourselves to be hurt"

" Hmm no" ... ( Thats interesting)

" So you allowed yourselves to be hurt"

"Yes" .. ( things are not looking good. I wanted her to console me. Now she is having fun.)

" Well so tell me...whom should you forgive, the person who hurt you or yourself ?"

" Myself" ( OUCH !!! )

There was a moment of silence when I was searching for my voice to say " Hey wait a minute... thats not how it is supposed to go." But then what she said made perfect sense.
Who are we to forgive other people....
The Holy Mother says that no matter what justice is always carried out.. in this life or the next. The law of Karma eventually catches up with everybody and sets the records straight.

While I was preparing to leave, my mother asked me
" Anyways.. what does this person feel about the whole thing "

" I guess the person does'nt care anymore" I replied sheepishly

I could still hear my mom laughing when I walked out house and headed for the office.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

New improved Blog

This is my new blog site.

I deleted my previous one.

Now people ask me why I deleted my blog. A blog is a place where you write down what you feel ... and dont give a second thought as to what you are writing or who is going to read it. ( Of course you always have the edit button and delete button to cover up your mess).

But hey it was not much of a blog anyways... All it had was a trip log... I was pretty impressed with myself when I started writing that. In fact I had some of the sentences had already formed in my mind when I was on my bike.
So I wrote and wrote. Big sentences, kinda fancy words and puns. But when you look at it as a whole, its just ordinary literature. This is where the edit button comes in. So I did some editing... but was too lazy to read it again.

Also it had some pretty terrible poetry. Now that is where the delete button came in.
Kaput. End of story...

But then, its a nice feeling when you write down things that affected you and later get to read them. You get to analyse yourself... and see if you have grown up or grown out of it.

So now I have a new blog.... Mwaa ha ha ha ha....

All that is gold does not glitter
Not all those who wander are lost
- Lord of the Rings

 On the drive back from the conference, we climbed into an Uber with a driver who looked like he'd already had enough of the day, maybe ...