Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Conquering Sunday

"I am feeling bored. What plans for today?" Amar was looking really desperate.
"Well" I said, "We can go for a walk".
"Cool!! Where ??"
"Hmm.. I know this small hill around Ettimadai. I am not sure if we can climb it, but we can sure give it a try."
Amar is my junior. He is a chemical engineer from Pune and loves to go trekking. As with the case with most students from North India, he gets frustrated with spending weekends in the campus.

So off we went, along with a small group of friends to climb a small mountain which we now call "Hill Sunday".
The initial climb was fun.

Then came the difficult part, where you really had to be careful on the rocks. But Amar was having no problem at all.

Although I can't say the same for Ravi

Reaching halfway, we paused for a short break. Amar looked down and saw the plains that extended to Kerala. He turned to me
"Maharashtra is blessed with many forts. It has a lot of hills and its fun to climb.
Look at Kerala, its all plains. Its soo plaiinnn....."
"Yeah" I replied. "We are blessed with an International Airport. So we get to have lot of planes."
I don't know why, but that was the end of our conversation. Everybody soon started climbing away. It must have been something I said.

Prabeesh was the first to reach the top.
Peak of Sunday

Soon all of us got to the top of the hill. Surprisingly, none of us were tired. But we were all happy. Everything looked so beautiful from top. Our college buiding was a tiny spec. All around us were paddy fields and coconut groves. The only thing that I missed was a camera. All photos were taken with a mobile camera. So it all came in poor quality.

The view was breathtaking. It kind of reminds me of what Amma used to say, when your consciousness rise above the mundane things in life, everything looks beautiful; even a boring Sunday.

On top of Hill Sunday

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Karizma - Digital Zooming

This photo reminds me of two things, Sojish and a song called Speed Demon.

Speed Demon
Speedin' On The Freeway
Gotta Get The Leadway

Speed Demon
Doin' It On The Highway
Gotta Have It My Way

Speed Demon
Mind Is Like A Compass
I'm Stoppin' At Nothin'

Speed Demon
Pull Over Boy And
Get Your Ticket Right . . .

The original picture was taken by my classmate. Click on the picture for more details.

 On the drive back from the conference, we climbed into an Uber with a driver who looked like he'd already had enough of the day, maybe ...