Monday, December 13, 2004

Woe is me

First I fall down from the stairs and fracture my leg
Then I fall down from the bike and fracture my cheekbone
Now I fall down from my chair in the lab in front of the whole class.

Gravity is a myth. The world just sucks.


sajith said...

Bheeewahahaahahahah :-)) Shiv, be careful.

Shiv said...

I am always careful... Its the others who are not.

Shiv said...


Welcome to the party...
Mighty glad you are here.

PesoBoy's Home said...

"Gravity is a myth. The world just sucks."

I kinda think that these two statements contradict each other.

Gravity is all about sucking and attracting things towards the center of the earth. And when you say the world sucks you are kind of confirming the fact that gravity is not a myth...

And the reason why you fractured your cheekbone was has nothing to do with the world. It has more to do with your driving skills... :-D


Shiv said...

I stand corrected.

 On the drive back from the conference, we climbed into an Uber with a driver who looked like he'd already had enough of the day, maybe ...