Okay I admit. I am seriously in love with black & whites. I have never really played around much with photos, but I think I am getting the hang of it.
I am usually a person with a short attention span and I dont like to do things on and on for hours; especially studies. But now my friends find me looking at the screen for hours trying to decide if "Sepia" is better than "Filtered B&W". Having too many options on Adobe or any kind of software for that matter, can be pretty frustrating. It takes so long to make up your mind(that is if you ever make up your mind). Picasa is nice, but sometimes you think you need more options.
I had many ideas about building my career during the past six months, like starting a Dhaba near the college, starting a marble business by importing marbles from Rajastan, smuggling cocaine in and out of Tamil Nadu, killing Chota Shakeel to become the next don.... the list goes on. But there are two things that always tops the list:
1. Enroll myself as a Volvo truck driver somewhere in Europe. ( I always liked huge vehicles, and I love travelling)
2. Take over a really huge studio.
Some people say that I dream too much. Well, I ask those people,
"How do you expect me to stay awake through five hours of calculus of variations, finite element modelling and wavelet design?"
Thanks So K
Tell me about the Pondi trip when you get back. I sure miss all those times we had with the bikes.
The pic is good. Never experimented with B&W before. Thanks a lot for the inspiration...
I too thought that you are dreaming too much. But to the question at the end, I really have no clue as to how...
Keep Blogging...
I usually use B&W to hide my mistakes ;-)
And thanks for at least trying to understand the "classroom feeling".
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