The idea was, as usual, start early - drive slowly - stop at as many chaya kadas (those small places with boards that say "Hotel Teashop") as you can - and arrive in time for lunch. And as usual, things did not go as planned. We started our journey quite late. There always seem to be these last minute technical problems, like the alarm magically fails, careless parent forgets to wake up responsible child on time, you know, stuff like that.
Anyways, by about half past eight, we are on the road and cruising to todupuzha. Amol was in his customary T-shirt and jeans, while Bachchan was sporting a bright red shirt and long curly hair kept barely in place by copious amout on some gel which, quite strangely, reminded me of Venus Williams during Wimbledon press conference.

Half an hour drive through the beautiful country side and we stopped for our first cup of tea. I have always found chaya kadas to be very interesting places. They are usually small, filled with the local crowd busy with discussions on a wide range of topics from "Why did Baiju cross the road.." to "Was Leader Karunakaran really double crossed." Chaya kadaas are also a good place to savor typical kerala snacks like bonda, pazham pori, and parippu vada. Usually, there will be a common menu card on the wall that lists these items and their prices:

We sat there for some time, enjoying the tea and reading the local newspaper.

Bachchan took over the wheel from here and we started on our way to Todupuzha. Nothing much happened during that drive. We were just enjoying our own company, cracking jokes, with Bachchan trying to improvise on them until it made us sick and we asked him to pull over.
We reached todupuzha by noon and soon joined the rest of the gang from Blore. Boy, nothing had changed, except of course the bellies. It was time for the muhurtham now, and so off we went. The marriage function was according to the custom hindu rituals. We upheld the name of ABBAS by sitting in the back row yet again.

What followed was the much awaited sadya. And how we ate. We had to sit for an extra five minutes for the food to settle down, so as to get up to wash our hands. When the wedding photographer came over to our side, I forced him to take another photo cause I had payasam all over my beard.
As there was some more time for the B'lore dudes to board the bus, we decided to take a dip in the river. It was there that Rafeeq actually swam a few micrometers. The water was green, cool and very refreshing. I took some pictures of the river and also of BNDs (Butt Naked Dudes) in it. However, I am forced not to post those pics in order to protect the identities of all those pot-bellies.

I guess the beauty of seperation lies in looking forward to being together again.

how i wish... how i wish i was there.
There was this old thing that some of us put together... and abandonded, taken up by some other cooldudes, abandoned again. Hmm. Dunno why we put up a "future" item there.. but the future is here already.
ninte course ennu kazhiyum? And where are the rest of the pics?
You were missed. So were the rest of the gang.
Course gets over sometime in June...
I think I will upload all the decent pics to Flick :-)
@SoK: You still have miles to go before you sleep. And I guess I get to come along some distance too.
It's 3:00 at night and I thought I'll see if thoughtprints is updated and yes it was ... Cool... :-)
I did not get emotional the way Sojish got. But I sure got hungry...
The best part besides the menu was ...
"I guess the beauty of seperation lies in looking forward to being together again."
Even the comparision between Bacha and Serena's hair was well thought of... You are slowly but surely turning into a wise thinking man...
@Amar: :-). Its Venus's hair not Serena's.]
Every minute Zen my child ;-)
@Amar: Maybe you should go back to reading Mulla Nasaruddin ;-)
Quote :"We upheld the name of ABBAS by sitting in the back row yet again."
Bravo comrade on keeping the vow we took on joining ABBAS.. well done !!
Quote : "They are usually small, filled with the local crowd busy with discussions on a wide range of topics from "Why did Baiju cross the road.." to "Was Leader Karunakaran really double crossed." "Vivaadhavishayangalil CPM'nte olichukali ethranaal?"
Hope you had come to an amiable conclusion for all your above discussion in chaaya kada.
Quote :"The Good byes were quick ..... I guess the beauty of seperation lies in looking forward to
being together again."
Finally, this was brilliant work that put me in nostalgia for a while but recovered from it soon without much
causalities. Altogether, good stuff and you are honored to be one among those elite members of my bloggie club
that i've subscribed through bloglines. :)
- subith -
@Pooja: Nice to hear from you. I have some photos uploaded to Flickr, though its mostly Tamil Nadu.
Hope your studies are going fine.
@Subith: Aliya, I dont update my blog often. Also, I dont write much on it.
Do you have a blog?
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