Friday, December 03, 2004

I have been spammed

Hurrayyyyyyyyy............. I have been spammed today!!!

Having worked in an internet support company for 2 years, I have been used to starting my day with well over 10 unread mails in my inbox and a couple of spams. After I joined for MTech, nobody seems to be sending me mails :(. I guess I am an internet addict cause I feel very weird when I dont get mails each day.

I have not received mails for a long time now. As a side effect I suffer from extreme depression and a feeling of loneliness. Also I have this feeling in my stomach when I have not eaten for a long time. And I always tend to sleep with m eyes closed. Oh.. things were really getting difficult.

Just when I thought that the end of the world had come and was preparing to kill myself by jumping in front of the internet traffic, I was spammed. Oh sweet lord I was spammed. It was kinda big spam. Some guy in the US wanted me to download and watch free movies. A movie download from the college lab is painful, but I dont care. I was spammed and thats what counts. One of my friends said that the movie downloader is a virus, but I need not worry cause the virus is activated only on Windows 98. I am using Windows 2000. But I dont care. I was willing to manually delete all my files for him and reply:

Hello Spammer,

I am happy to say that your virus has worked on my system and has successfully deleted all the files. I am unable to paste a screenshot for your verification cause it deleted Microsoft Paint too.

Have a nice day.

Hey spammer, if you are reading this I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU. I feel needed again.
Suddenly all things are looking bright and beautiful. Long live the spammers.

Epilouge: I uninstalled all spam assassin software on my machine. I am planning to start a "Save the Spammers; Give them some love" movement in my college. As a first step, I am going to open the local college server to all the spammers in the world.

Peace and Love.


sajith said...

Heehee hooo hooo. Shiv, I lloovvee you :)

Shiv said...

Glad I could make you happy.I owe it all to that spammer.

On another note, Amol is getting better. I had gone to see him. But I guess Blore people are more updated than I.

sajith said...

Good to hear this. Well, Bach is here since Wednesday (came to attend Linux Bangalore), he'll leave tomorrow.

PesoBoy's Home said...

I understand your feelings.
Spamming is a must for all of us to feel nice about ourselves.
There are times the spammer says that Britney would do anything for us... Even better guys know my weight and give me great suggestions on how to reduce 30 kgs while sleeping..... Wow.

Now I know I need to do to get thin again is to sleep... :-D

I am sure this spammer wanted you to see her videos in her lab all bare... Come to think of it, I now believe that one of the reasons you went back to college was for all this fun. Little did you know that your college is not THAT TYPE.

But who cares (besides bob).... ;-)


Shiv said...

Hi Amar,

You got me all confused there.
On another note, its amazing how much you can accomplish just be sleeping.

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