Thursday, March 03, 2005


The Heart of Zen is a calm mind that is focused on the Buddha.


PesoBoy's Home said...

I have been telling everybody Zen Koans of late. I told many such stories to my wife as well and finally she picked up one Amar Chitra Katha from the library - "Bhuddha stories"
And after reading all the stories she concluded - "Before anybody is exposed to Zen, Buddha, religion etc... they all worry about home, parents, family, friends etc... And then they are enlightened and they forget everything become disciples of Buddha.... :-D "


Shiv said...

That is soo true.
We have an intranet library that has lots of Zen koans. Most of them are really interesting.
While Gautam Buddha kept all his doctrines simple, the Zen philosophy based on Buddha's teachings are a little difficult to understand.

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